Halogenanalyse - behr Labor (EN)

AOX column method

AOX batch method


CL10 incl. TS10 and injector INJ 10

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behr CL 10

The automatic analysis system behr CL 10 for the coulometric determination of halogen compounds consists of the components: Sample entry module for solid, liquid samples, furnace unit with programmable infrared furnace and downstream resistance furnace with constant temperature, microcoulometric titration unit (optionally tempered and in the casing), control software

Principle of operation

There are no splashes, no deflagration, the sample is burnt completely in the boats with no losses. This guarantees exact results for the analyses and minimizes the care and maintenance of the system. When the sample is inserted into the patented, programmable IR furnace – manually or automatically – it always ends up at precisely the same defined position.
Simply enter the temperature, heat-up and holding times for sample drying and combustion in the PC. And you can be sure that every drying process in the future will be exactly the same. You don't have this guarantee if the sample is placed into a permanently heated reduction furnace “on feeling”.
For subsequent combustion, the behr infrared furnace will reach 1000°C within seconds. The final digestion of any non-detected sample components in the downstream resistance furnace guarantees that you do not obtain any misquantifications due to incomplete sample combustion.
“Heat Pipes” quickly cool down the furnace after combustion and it is then ready for the next analysis.


to the product

CL 10


From the manual to fully automatic AOX analysis by selecting various sample preparation and sample placement modules


Selective direct combustion of 50 µI extract or slow automatic injection of up to 500 µI extract with the aid of the injector INJ 10. Special gas transport and deployment of a catalyst ensure complete and even combustion of the extract.


Easy connection of a thermostat for two samples for POX determination

  • Control and save data with user-friendly software
  • Clear menus and dialogs for the entry of all test-relevant parameters and the control of the analysis system
  • Continuous graphic and alphanumeric information about the test progress and operation statuses of the furnaces
  • Calculation algorithms for all conventional methods TX, AOX, EOX, POX in water and solid samples
  • Easy adaptation of the used tables to customer-specific needs is possible
  • Graphic depiction of the temporal progress of potential, titration flow and IR furnace temperature

TS 10

TS 10 G

TS 10 GT

TS 10, heated gas outlet line with check valve, electrolyte cell made of brown glass easy to disassemble and clean, no casing necessary, direct view of detection unit

TS10 G, titration cell without tempering in casing, heat gas outlet line with check valve, electrolyte cell easy to disassemble and clean, direct view of the detection unit, incl. gas extraction and cleaning, therefore no acetic acid odor.

TS10 GT, tempered titration cell (Peltier temperature control) in casing, heat gas outlet line with check valve, electrolyte cell easy to disassemble and clean, direct view of the detection unit, incl. gas extraction and cleaning, therefore no acetic acid odor.





Shaker method

with INJ 10 with POX 10
Sample preparation Sample feed    
SP 47 or
SM 47
PS 10 B or
AXS 48

Column method

Manual sample preparation Sample feed    
SE 2 or
SE Multi
PS 10 B or
AXS 48


One device system - many applications


From the manual to fully automatic AOX analysis by selecting various sample preparation and sample placement modules


Selective direct combustion of 50 µI extract or slow automatic injection of up to 500 µI extract with the aid of the injector INJ 10. Special gas transport and deployment of a catalyst ensure complete and even combustion of the extract.


Easy connection of a thermostat for two samples for POX determination

  • Control and save data with user-friendly software
  • Clear menus and dialogs for the entry of all test-relevant parameters and the control of the analysis system
  • Continuous graphic and alphanumeric information about the test progress and operation statuses of the furnaces
  • Calculation algorithms for all conventional methods TX, AOX, EOX, POX in water and solid samples
  • Easy adaptation of the used tables to customer-specific needs is possible
  • Graphic depiction of the temporal progress of potential, titration flow and IR furnace temperature

Necessary titrator

TS 10, heated gas outlet line with check valve, electrolyte cell made of brown glass easy to disassemble and clean, no casing necessary, direct view of detection unit

TS10 G, titration cell without tempering in casing, heat gas outlet line with check valve, electrolyte cell easy to disassemble and clean, direct view of the detection unit, incl. gas extraction and cleaning, therefore no acetic acid odor.

TS10 GT, tempered titration cell (Peltier temperature control) in casing, heat gas outlet line with check valve, electrolyte cell easy to disassemble and clean, direct view of the detection unit, incl. gas extraction and cleaning, therefore no acetic acid odor.

Different application-methods


Shaker method

Sample preparation
SP 47 or
SM 47
Sample feed
PS 10 B or
AXS 48

Column method

Manual sample preparation
SE 2 or
SE Multi
Sample feed
PS 10 B or
AXS 48
Automatic sample preparation
PXD 24-2 or
PXD 24-3



Halogen analysis - Furnace (Analyzer)


The automatic analysis system behr CL 10 for the coulometric determination of halogen compounds consists of the components: Sample entry module for solid, liquid samples, furnace unit with programmable infrared furnace and downstream resistance furnace with constant temperature, microcoulometric titration unit (optionally tempered and in the casing), control software

Available product variants:
Halogen analysis - Titration station (Titration)


Necessary titrator:

TS 10, heated gas outlet line with check valve, electrolyte cell made of brown glass easy to disassemble and clean, no casing necessary, direct view of detection unit

TS10 G, titration cell without tempering in casing, heat gas outlet line with check valve, electrolyte cell easy to disassemble and clean, direct view of the detection unit, incl. gas extraction and cleaning, therefore no acetic acid odor.

TS10 GT, tempered titration cell (Peltier temperature control) in casing, heat gas outlet line with check valve, electrolyte cell easy to disassemble and clean, direct view of the detection unit, incl. gas extraction and cleaning, therefore no acetic acid odor.

Available product variants:
Halogen analysis - AOX


From the manual to fully automatic AOX analysis by selecting various sample preparation and sample placement modules

Available product variants:
Halogen analysis - Blow-out unit (POX)


Easy connection of a thermostat for two samples for POX determination

Available product variants:
Halogen analysis - Injector (EOX/TX)


Selective direct combustion of 50 µI extract or slow automatic injection of up to 500 µI extract with the aid of the injector INJ 10. Special gas transport and deployment of a catalyst ensure complete and even combustion of the extract.

Available product variants: